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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  January 4, 2013 9:00am-11:00am PST

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look how this ended up. not dpood. they had to cling for trees for hours. the moms are not happy and made them write apology letters to the firefighters that saved them. the moms won't take away the cell phones because they saved their lives. what a picture, though. don't walk on thin ice. we've had stories all week. this rare picture of princess diana 18 or 19 years old. it's unclear. when you look at the circles and lines, it says not to be
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published. no one was to see this photo, but strangely enough it surfaced and is auctions. it will happen this month in new hampshire, and the opening bid is reportedly $2 hundr$200. how about that? "newsroom international" with suzanne malveaux starts right now. we're going around the world in 60 minutes. this is going on right now. it's an amazing recovery. look at this. malala jouf youf is being released. she advocated for girls the. matthew amazing to see her walking out of the hospital there. he was shot point-blank range in the head. how is she faring and doing? >> well, she seems to be doing well. i totally agree with you it's
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aamazing she survived that point-blank gunshot firing into her head. she was stopped on a bus by taliban gunman. they asked to point out malala and when they did that, they shot her at point-blank range. she was medevaced here and she was in a hospital bed for several months now. they worked very hard on her and she's well enough to walk out there with the slight assistance of a nurse walking through corridors and even wave at the staff as she was discharged. she still is going to be receiving treatment as an outpatient, and there's lots of therapy to be done on eyesight and physical therapy and she'll have to be readmitted in a few weeks for reconstructive surgery on her skull which was shattered by the bullet wound. >> what's next for her? can she go to school? people want to support this young woman and the movement
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she's started there. >> yeah. i think there's no doubt she can continue her education. in fact, she's continuing it inside the hospital, and now at her temporary home in birmingham in central england. she's a very enthusiastic studious student. she was campaigning very vocally and articulating for women to be educated all over pakistan. there's a problem with that. that's going to continue. she's gathered hundreds of thousands of people that signed petitions calling for her to be given the nobel peace prize. that's how much of an impact this girl has had around the world. >> what about the folks, the extremists who tried to kill her? were they ever caught? was anybody brought to justice? >> the pakistani authorities say that they've been rounding up the people they believe are responsible in terms of the trigger men. but the people who issued the ortds, the taliban leadership pakistan and afghanistan, obviously they haven't been brought to justice. what the taliban has said is
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that it will try again to kill mala malala because of her continued comments regarding educate. the death threat is not lifted. >> does she have security? are people trying to protect her and her family to make sure they don't get to her? >> i'm sure there are. they're not very visible, but the british security sfts is aware of the threat against her. there have been threats against her life and the family. the hospital, of course, and the pakistani authorities have their security people in place. so, i mean, the point is she's much safer here, obviously, in britain than in pakistan. so that's what they're focusing on. >> matthew chance, thank you. it's good to see her smile. venezuelan officials say that president chavez has severe respiratory infection that he's struggling to breathe now. he's in cuba. that's where he had cancer surgery last month. now, he was just re-elected in october for a third term, but now the venezuelans are wondering whether or not he will actually live to take the oath.
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our raphael romo has the story mplt. >> reporter: the medical condition of president hugo chavez recovering from cancer surgery in cuba is more serious than previously thought according to a top venezuelan official. >> translator: after the delicate surgery on december 11th, chavez faced complications as a consequence of a severe pulmonary infection. it requires him to strictly follow medical treatment. >> reporter: meanwhile venezuela is steaming are speculation. >> translator: sometimes it looks as if the president is well and other times not so much. honestly, we don't know what to believe. everyone is living in incertainty. >> reporter: the president left his country on september 10th for cancer surgery in cuba. he hasn't been seen in public since, but the vice president hawaii talked about complications, and that worries many venezuelans. >> translator: chavez is a
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strong man and a fighter. his party is not my party, but as a human being one can't wish somebody else something the sc technology minister has been trialing to quell the negative speculation. the medical team has explained to us that president chavez's condition is stable, but within a delicate state he posted on his twitter account. >> translator: simz it's people themselves to start the speculation saying things that aren't true. we have to be patient and wait. >> reporter: patience is running out for the venezuelan opposition. leaders say they owe venezuela about his condition. >> translator: our command for the truth is elementary because when he's a head of state, there are implications that affect the it. >> the highest roman catholic
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thorlt in venezuela is calling all political leaders to follow the lead if a succession plan is needed. >> raphael, the inauguration is january 10th. what happens if he cannot make the inauguration on that day? >> reporter: there's a scenario spelled out by the vendzian constitution as to what happens. either if he doesn't show up before or if he shows up right aafter. it is either the vice president of venezuela or the president of the national asemably. it gets more complicated shgsz suzanne, because the national assembly is supposed to meet tomorrow to elect a new leader much the same way that the congress meant to select the new speaker of the house here in the united states. so it's all speculation right now as to whether he's coming back or not. those statements made by the communications minister yesterday saying he has respiratory failure are a great
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concern for many venezuelans. >> are they planning for his succession? if he does die, the vice president will step in. is there some opposition to him as well that might make a move? >> that's right. they're trying to position somebody at the national assembly so they have a voice there. also, there's a scenario where the national assembly can give him as much as 90 days. by him i mean president chavez so he can recover and come back and still take office. right now that's still up in the air. we don't know what's going to happen in the next week or so. >> all right. we'll keep our eye on that. thank you very much. coming up as well, legendary film director oliver stone will join us live. he's known for tackling controversial sunlts. he directed a 2010 documentary about chavez, and he'll tell us why he's a fan of the venezuelan leader. there are other stories this hour. despite school shootings in the united states, a war in afghanistan and superstorms, one
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harvard professor says the world is now safer than it's ever been. we're going to explain. women may not be allowed to wear pants or straddle a motorcycle in one part of indonesia. we'll tell you what the country's government plans to do about it. surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief.
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is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp, and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections, like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. two delicious shrimp selections on one plate! all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just $11.99 for a limited time. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. i'm ryon stewart, i'm the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differently.
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[ male announcer ] when diarrhea hits, kaopectate stops it fast. powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. fast! [ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kaopectate. the 113th u.s. congress is not wasting time getting to work. the house approved a $9 billion aid package for the victims of superstorm sandy. the senate will take it up later it today. it made it to the house floor after lawmakers let speaker john boehner know they did not want that vote delayed. jim acosta is on capitol hill covering all of this.
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jim, i understand they're getting to work. we like that. we like to see that on the first day of the job, getting something done. >> that's right. >> the house is going to hold a second vote next week. tell us about that. >> well, after this initial section of sandy relief was passed by the house earlier in morning by a vote of 354-7 susan, susadz suzanne we expect it to passed. the first chunk will shore up the government's flood insurance program and pay to claims to people trying to get some relief for some of the damage that they sustained and they're seeking help through the program. the rest is expected to come later on this month. not all is a sure thing. this second chunk is going to have to be negotiated here in the house, and then go over to the senate. there was some talk before all of this got started, you know, when this all went down the other night when they passed the fiscal cliff agreement in the
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house and didn't act on sandy, there was concern about whether or not there was too much pork in all of this. i have to tell you, suzanne, there were rumblings inside the house this morning. a lot of lawmakers from new york and new jersey were very disappointed that not all of this was passed today. the bulk of it is going to come later on this month including one freshman house member democrat, sean patrick maloney who indicated eases new around here, but he's starting to get a sense of how things work. here's what he said to say. >> madam speaker, my name is sean patrick maloney. i'm new here. i don't know all the rules of washington, but it seems like the rule here is to put off until tomorrow what should be done today. >> suzanne, there was a pretty sizable number of house republicans who voted against this. a lot of those folks are -- they look like they are the conservative tea party members
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of the house republican caucus, and this may be a sneak preview of what's to come. how speaker john boehner was in his republican conference behind closed doors earlier this morning saying that this whole matter of raising the debt ceiling he believes will have to be tied to a conversation on spending cuts. he wants to see that happen, and john cornyn, who was a top senate he republican on the senate side wrote a column "the "houston chronicle" saying perhaps there needs to be a government shutdown to get the conversation going. after all that yesterday, we get back to the business of brinkmanship on the hill. >> you yhope it doesn't requirea government shutdown. you're doing a good duty tolerating the congress and shenanigans going on. today is election day. at 1:00 eastern congress counts of electoral college votes from the 2012 presidential election.
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we bring that part of the vote live to you at the top of the hour. war, global warming and nuclear threats, it's a dangerous world out there, right? a new harvard study says it is actually a safer world than ever before. power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app.
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there's no denying it that the world can be a dangerous place when you look at thousands dead in syrian and ongoing war in afghanistan, massacres at
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schools and movie theaters in the united states. one harvard professor says we're living in the least violent time in human history. matthew chance has the story. >> reporter: we live in an age racked by death and violence. >> i can't impress on you that in my personal military judgment formed over 38 years we are living in the most dangerous time in my lifetime right now. >> reporter: or do we? >> it may be hard to believe, but we're actually safer now than we probably have been at any point in history. >> reporter: two contrasting views on the dangers of the world in 2013. a world where millions die every year from disease, poverty, gunshot wounds, or road accidents, but also where human life has become more secure, more peaceful than ever before. >> not only are rates of violent
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personal crime a fraction of what they used to be several hundreds years ago in most parts of the world, but even rates of war have come down, and it's hard to realize that because they haven't gone down to zero. so all the wars that are still ongoing get broadcast into our homes and we're acutely aware of them. we're not aware of all of the parts of the world that are not at war. >> the concept of global danger is about much more than just the number of bodies in any given year. it's the threat of catastrophic events like nuclear war between india and pakistan or on the korean peninsula where a weapon of mass destruction falls into the hands of terrorists that keep people like a top military officer martin dempsey away at night. >> when i said it's the most dangerous period in my military career, 38 years, i really meant it. i mean, i wake up every morning waiting for that cyber attack or waiting for that terrorist
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attack or waiting for that nuclear proliferation. waiting for that proliferation of technologies that makes is an increasingly competitive security environment across the globe. >> it's a sobering thought from a statistical point of view, this world is undoubtedly safer, more peaceful, less prone to disease than ever before. a single event, a solitary breakdown in the world order could change everything. matthew chance, cnn, london. elephant poaching, it's the worst it's been in ten years according to the international fund for animal welfare. the group says the illegal trade is now booming in china. just today the "new york times" reports that hong kong custom officials seized a shipment of 779 elephant tusks from kenya worth $1.14 million. back in october a shipment of ivory was confiscated magt it
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one of the biggest seizures ever in hong kong. he's a producer, a writer, director and he's joins us next. oliver stone, you know his movies, "scarface," "born on the fourth of july," he'll tell us about his documentary on venezuelan president hugo chavez. alka-seltzer. kills heartburn fast. yeehaw!
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hugo chavez is fighting a severe respiratory infection after cancer surgery in cuba. the president has been a polarized figure since he took office in 1999. one of his key defenders is oliver stone. stone made a documentary in 2010 that portrayed chavez in a
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positive light. "time" magazine calmed itled ite story. here's some of the scenes. >> joining us from new york is oliver stone. good to see you you. i noticed you were smiling while watching the documentary. what ins so much about him to
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put him as a central figure in this documentary you did several years ago? >> "south of border." he was an essential figure. it was about seven presidents in latin america, brazil, argentina, uruguay and bolivia. huge changes were going on there. i found him to be a mag muss warm, warm man, big man. >> when have you last spoken with him? are you still in touch with him? >> we stayed in touch through the years through people, and obviously, this is not a good time. people tell me about his condition. i was very happy that he won the re-election, so he won 20 of the 23 states in his country and he hardly could get on the road to campaign. they want him. he he's popular. the majority of people love them because the living standards have gone up, and that's ignored in the reporting on venezuela.
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>> do you know -- you say you're in touch with foblgs. do you know the state of his health or how he's doing? >> no, i could not tell you. no, i have full confidence in mr. madero and his government and i think they will continue and do the right thing. if there needs to be another -- if there needs to be another election i'm confident that his party will win. >> how do you think it will change venezuela moving forward if, in fact, he's not able to take the oath of office? >> i think he's -- as i say the majority of the people truly benefitted. the standard of living went up. not all. there's a very vocal minority against him, but they never won the elections. chavez won 13 of 14 elections. >> yeah. >> i think he's going to be mourned as a national figure who changed venezuela forever. you have no idea how bad it was
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before him. the per capita income dropped for like 20 years straight. people were fed up. he represents hope and change, the things that obama stood for in our country in 2008. >> how do you respond to the critics? "time" magazine quoted about the film, human rights defenders suffer harassment, prison conditions provoking hunger rights and of course amnesty international reporting on venezuela that, you know, these are the kinds of things that they are seeing and that there's widespread, you know, corruption in the government as well. >> there is corruption, and there's corruption in every government i've been to in south america and central america. i've traveled through the whole region and been involved in many projects and i have to say that, you know, this is vague, scandalous, blurry stuff they throw out at venezuela when you compare it to what the united states has done in chile and argentina, brazil in the past and what we did recently in honduras. i mean, there's no comparison.
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colombia. you go around the region, and you have a -- you know, the united states has an interest in and has made venezuela it's regional enemy in south america and tried to get rid of them. was involved peripherally in the coup of 2004, and it's been -- the reporting in this country, and that's why we made the documentary, has been shoddy. it doesn't behoove "time" magazine or "new york times." they have it to re-examine the way they have treated this social revolution in latin america. they've ignored it. >> there certainly is the opinion of "time" magazine and many other journalistic outlets who disagree with you, but i know you have another project that is fascinating. it's a ten-part series looking at the history of the united states and the kinds of things we don't know. we're going to play that the on the back end and we'll have more of our conversation with oliver stone in just a moment. >> suzanne, i don't think i agree with most of what the american viewpoint is on the
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world situation on its own history. i think that's what makes our stuff different. >> we're going to talk about all of that. we have to take a quick break, oliver, and we'll be right back. we'll talk about your new series. >> please hurry. just before ths touches your lips. the delightful discovery, the mid-sweetening realization that you have the house all to yourself. well, almost. the sweet reward, making a delicious choice that's also a smart choice. splenda no-calorie sweetener. with the original sugar-like taste you love and trust. splenda makes the moment yours.
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from platoon to wall street to jfk, director oliver stone
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has spent his career offering us alternatives for perspectives on history. now he has a fen-part documentary on showtime. it gives viewers a peek into lessons they didn't learn in school. watch. >> kennedy himself was quite ill from addison's disease and the effects of spinal operations from world war ii injuries. addicted to painkillers and his own ravenous appetites, finding himself in a cocoon in deceits to himself and wife and cuba and vietnam policies and to the country. ♪ happy birthday mr. president ♪ >> joining us from new york, oliver stone. we're continuing our conversation with him along with american university history professor peter kuznik. thank you. both of you wrote the book that accompanies the tv series. oliver, i'll start off with you. what do you think is the most surprising part of the series, something we did not know that
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we will learn from this project? >> suzanne, that's not a fair question. you have to go through the ten hours. there's so much in there. it's like he five years of my life right now. january it would have been five years we worked on this thing off and on. >> give us a taste. >> the patterns and repetition from the philippine american war of 1898, the growing militaryism and the growing sense of american exceptionalism becomes evident. you showed a clip on kennedy. incredible story where john kennedy actually starts to dehypnotize himself from everything we learn and go in another direction. it's a wonderful story of hope and opportunity. this week reagan is on the 1980s, and we do a great job of revealing another side of reagan because he's defied by some people. next week we have the bush/clinton era, the squandered opportunities and the return of
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american triumphism after the fall of the soviet empire. >> it's a fascinating series. professor, weigh in on this, because there is some criticism about whether or not it is completely accurate. "the new york times" not very flattering saying it's april ten-part indictment of the united states that doesn't pretend to be even-handed and says accuracy is sometimes hard to find. do you stand by the facts that back up this research project that you did? >> absolutely. in fact, showtime has fact-checked this twice, professional, outside fact-checkers. they go through every word, every comma. they really are ruthless in their look at it. anything that they've been able to question even we've changed to make sure that it's accurate. we bent over backwards to be as accurate as possible. >> he's a history professor. he's not going to put his reputation on the line writing -- this is unfair of "the times" because they didn't have time to read the book and i
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think they saw three episodes. they judge as they will. but, you know, we can question "the new york times" on their record of authenticity about the iraq war and vietnam. >> if you look at all the blusheablusrbs from leading historians on foreign policy, domestic policy, so we've got a lot of scholars saying this is not only accurate but that's it's eye-opening and it's giving a new interpretation. >> oliver, tell me why you're behind this project. why do you feel it's important there's untold stories that need to get out there? you have taken on a lot of big projects much jfk, "platoon." >> suzanne, this will put p me in my grave. frankly, one has to wake up in life. i feel like i grew up very privileged in new york and in a republican family and
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conservative. i went to vietnam, as you know, and i felt like my life in the last 30 years has become less and less hypnotized and i wasn't sleep-walking. the more i learned, i wanted to share it with my audience in feature films. as i went on and made more histories or let's say history yal dramas, really, i decided before i go, i got to get something down that i feel what happened in my lifetime from 1946 on, which is a year after the atomic bomb was dropped. in fact, my life begins with the atomic bomb in a sense because that is the founding myth of this national security state we live in. i would say international global state we live in. the atomic bomb. so i met peter, and he was teaching a class at the american university. i was fascinated. he knows a lot about the bomb, and he told me why we did not have to drop it on japan in 1945. the reasons are very lucidly presented in chapter 3 of our
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series. that is important to understand that aum of our lives -- i don't know if you're american born? >> american right here, american born and bred. >> it's self-delusional when you go into. >> we tell the history of the american empire and the history of the national security state. as oliver says, tracking it back the to the 1890s up to the present. the thing about is that those same themes recur over and over again. the militaryism and the self-con seated sense of superiority that the united states has, american exceptionalism. the idea that united states is unique among nation, and they're motivated by greed and power and lust. be do things in the world because we're generous and we want to spread freedom and democracy. you don't want on to tell that to the vietnamese and the chileans and tell that to the
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iraqis or afghans. our history is more complicated. so we're looking at that side of it because we want to get it right in the future. we show also the times at which the united states could have been very, very different. we tell the story of henry wallace, the now forgotten vice president from 1941 to 1945 and how close he came to being president, how close he came in 1994 at the democratic convention to get the nomination instead of harry truman. had wallace become president instead of truman when roosevelt died, there would have been certainly no atomic bombing in 1945 and very possibly no cold war. we're looking at those turning points. >> it's really a fascinating series. it's controversial in some ways. it's on showtime as a ten-part series. >> nthank you for having us. >> sorry you couldn't get your
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question. >> you got another question? we have to go. i'm sorry. we have to let you go. a german company seeking a special kind of person to work for them. people with asperger's syndrome. we'll tell you why these folks are uniquely qualified for the job. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp, and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections, like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. two delicious shrimp selections on one plate! all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just $11.99 for a limited time. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. i'm ryon stewart, i'm the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differently. to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength
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u.s. troops are there to protect the growing threat from syria. tell us why these u.s. troops are manning these patriot missile defense batteries and the border of syria. >> reporter: simply because turkey requested nato's help from there. we heard them say late last night that nearly 30 had arrived and were staying in a hotel in the south of the country. now the u.s. embassy expanding on that saying that since today personnel and equipment has been arriving in the airbase stashed by u.s. personnel in the south of the country and slowly this will build in the weeks and months ahead complicated by he german and dutch personnel and equipment. each are having patriot missiles. the history of this starting months ago in which there were exchanges the fire between the syrian and turkish military
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firing into the territory. that's where the request came from. we see the u.s. contributing to this nato mission here, suzanne. >> nick, do we know this is an escalation when you look at what's taking place there between syria and turkey? >> it's leer that both turkey, nato and the u.s. regard this as an entirely peaceful issue. they're trying to protect turkish territory from artillery shells which there haven't been too much of the past few months. as we reach what many see as the end game in this 21-month long civil war now across the border in syria it will resort to the nastier weapons in his arsenal. u.s. accuse him of using scuds in the past week or so. many hope the patriot missiles will protect turkey from. the big escalation is s psychological. they will slap it on the border
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with the messy civil war where there are rebels and lots of soldiers with a mix. >> thank you, nic. five men accused of brutally raping and fatally beating an indian woman are expected to go on trial as early as this week. the 23-year-old woman was attacked on a bus last month and died of her injuries a week ago. so far five men have been charged with murder and rape. it is stirring up outrage across india and across the world. people are calling on the government to take action to reduce the number of rapes, aa crime that goes underreported and unreported in india. when it is reported, p many times the suspect is never prosecuted. the problem is particularly bad in and around new delhi. my next guest knows how difficult this is for women living it. sonia is the author of "beautiful thing." you wrote a moving, emotional editorial piece in "the new york
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times" describing what it was like to grow up in new delhi. you talked about how dangerous it is for girls and women to walk around in the city during the day. i want to read this for viewers here and share this with us. you write pepper spray wasn't available, and my friends, all of them, middle or upper middle class like me carried safety pins or other makeshift weapons to and from their universities and jobs. one carried a knife and insisted i do the same. i refused. somed days i was so full of angr i would have used it or worse had it used on me. why? why were the conditions so bad when you were growing up there? >> well, you know, first of all, i should say it wasn't something we spoke about at that time. i discussed it with my friends, and i heard the stories of groping in buses. so one of the ways i coped when i was working at this renowned national news magazine was to take the bus two hours ahead of time at a time i figured out it
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would be least crowded so i wouldn't go through that terrifying experience that had filled so many of my friends with fear. i think there are a couple of reasons, sort of a perfect storm that enabled the situation to occur in delhi all those years and resulted in this outcry finally in december. it was the result, number one, of frankly pay arcual culture that sees women and believes they are subservant to men and therefore to their wishes. number two, systems that don't work. so, you know, we obviously have laws against rape. we have cops and courts and everything that we need to ensure that our citizens are safe, but they don't work. so women were going to a police station and try to report a case of sexual harassment or rape, and often she feels humiliated and feels that the cops are blaming her for what has happened. the cops on more than one occasion have basically told the woman that she doesn't have a
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case for rape because she has brought it upon herself or because it was consensual. we have courts that exist, obviously, but that take so long to deal with rape cases that by the end of it, evidence has been sullied. the rapists have disappeared, and the women have been forced to withdraw their charges. in such circumstances women have no reason really to report a crime. >> sonia you mentioned before that one of the things that happens, too, is because a woman is considered not valuable after she is raped that she's encouraged to marry the rapist at certain times. is that correct? >> yes, that certainly happens. it's happened within families. it's something that judges have encouraged women in the court to do. it takes into account the fact that we are a society which places so much weight on honor
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that we don't really care about the humanity of our people, not even a victim of a crime as heinous as rape. >> what do you think about what's happening in india now? the fact you have so many people out there protesting. we've seen young men and young women. people are actually standing up and speaking out on this. >> it is an extraordinary moment in our history. it's something that we need to hold onto and convert into change. you know, as an indian woman someone who grew up there and has experienced this, i feel like this is our time to make he very specific changes to how the law looks at rape, how people look at rape, and also for us to look at one another and say we're also to blame. we don't report rape. we don't support victims of rape. this is a moment of int
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intraspection. >> a german company is seeking a special kind of person to work for them. people with asperger's syndrome. we'll show you why they say they're uniquely qualified for the job. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. at liberty mutual insurance, we understand. that's why our auto policies come with accident forgiveness if you qualify, where your rates won't go up due to your first accident, and new car replacement, where, if you total your new car, we give you the money for a new one. call...
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his re-election tweet showing him hug thing the first lady and the words "four more years." indonesia's government might step in to stop a northern city from banning women from wearing pants pants. they also want to ban women from straddling bikes or motorcycles. the city's mayor says, quote, we wish to honor women with this ban because they are delicate creatures. indonesia's government says it may prohibit that ban from going into effect. a german company looking to
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hire workers with asperger's syndrome, a form of autism, and the management says while they usually have trouble in social settings, people with asperger's have certain skills. fred says that it is a perfect fit they have found for testing software. >> how much is 4,343 times 1,234? >> 5359242. he's a genius. >> in the late 1980s the movie "rain man" showed people with ought aism have deficits but huge talents. while hollywood may have over simplified the issue, there are links to the real world. because of their condition people with autism have trouble integrating into the working world. now a berlin company wants to give people with pay form of autism known as asperger's syndrome new opportunities. the firm is training dozens to become software testers.
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philip is one of the new hires. he says it is the first time he truly feels valued as an employee. >> that is what my love is, to be needed. if what you can do is appreciated and if what seems to be a weakness is turned into an a asset. >> reporter: management found some people with asperger's have a knack for finding flaws and that makes them perfect software testers. the owner founded the company when his own son was diagnosed with asperger's. >> they have a lot of skills in concentration, analytical, logical thinking and things like that. and we are sure about that the industries, the i.t. industry will have benefits.
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>> reporter: only about 15% are employed in the private sector aaccording to the german government. that's largely because of their difficulties with social interactions. that's why they have job coaches to help its employees with customer relations, something psychologists say is key to give asperg asperger's autistics a chance in the working world. >> they look at the assets and try to construct or develop work conditions around that so that the autistic individuals can use their skills, samt reducing social demands. >> in the movie "rain man" the skills are used to make a lot of money gambling in las vegas. their goals are more down-to-earth, not only making a profit but making a difference in the lives of their workers. cnn, berlin. all right. when you look into the night sky in late november, you'll see something absolutely dazzling.
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this is a comet that is shining brighter than the moon. .. instead i got heartburn. he. yeehaw!
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late this year there's a new comet that will blaze across the sky. experts say isin will be dazzling. that's late december, and it's he brighter than the full moon. chad myers will show us a preview. hey, chad. >> this could be really cool. i watched haley's comet as a kid
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go across the sky. i was older than a kid. okay. that might have been a little disappointing to some. we don't know exactly how comets will be until they get here, because the tail here and the moisture coming off, the ice flown on and the tail here. north sky here. this is from a website. you can go on to eagle eyes and they made this from sky safari. september 10th, 2013 a huge streak across the sky looking to the east. before that it will be a one side of the sky the to the other, and on the 18th it will streak across the western sky. could be briefly at least for a while brighter than the full moon. visible to the naked eye for sure and possibly rivalling we believe the great comet of 1680 which you find in ancient paintings and that's how cool this comet was, painters of the time painted about in comet. >> how does it rank among the
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greatest comets? >> you don't know until it gets here. if it melts too early, it's not a great comet. all indications this could be the coolest thing we've seen in our sky in our lifetime. >> where is it most visible, chad? >> all across the sky, northern and southern hemisphere for a change. we had lovejoy last year that was only southern hemisphere. this will be all across the globe. >> all right. cool stuff. thank you, chad. we'll be watching. from katrina to sandy, massive storms seem to happen more often. are we ready yet for the next superstorm? watch our special report, "the coming storms" this sunday night at 8:00 eastern. several photos caught our eyes today. look at this. flying high, this norwegian athlete got this amazing view. tom was taking part in a world cup ski jumping tournament in austria. he won third place. some shoppers in tokyo were greeted by this, japanese firefighters dressed in 14th
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century uniforms performing tricks at the top of a bamboo ladder. every year they perform during new year's celebrations. elephants apparently know how to make good use of an old christmas tree. in berlin they give leftover trees to the animals during the first week of the year. this is cnn newsroom. 155,000 jobs were added in december bringing the total number of job created last year to 1.84 million, but the unemployment rate is unchanged at 7.8%. we'll break down those numbers in a couple of minutes, but first, keeping an eye on live pictures here on capitol hill. this is where we are expecting to see the house and senate reporting to duty. it's the first full day of work for the 113th congress after yesterday's swearing-in. they have gotten a little work done actually. look at the floor of the house when it actually starts when lawmakers are going to --
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lawmakers actually passed a relief bill for the victims of superstorm sandy, but right a lot of business going on here. we want to go directly to our jim acosta for the very latest. >> reporter: well, suzanne, there's going to be some pomp and circumstance taking place here in the capitol in a few moments. this is something that is in the constitution, what we're about to see take place here. the counting of the electoral votes officially designating or announcing that president obama has won a second term in office. the speaker of the house, john boehner, just walked about. the house majority leader eric cantor walked by as well. we see the vice president, and we'll see members of the u.s. senate and house file in in just a few moments for all of this. it's going to be interesting to watch. you know, this is in the constitution. they must do this by january 6th of every year after the election has taken place. so you're going to see in just a
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few moments senate pages carrying these two mahogany boxes that carry the certificate was votes and then tellers will read off the votes and then the vice president, joe biden, will declare all of this said and done. we'll have to wait and see, suzanne, as to how much, i guess, hamming it up we'll see from the vice president. he was certainly enjoying himself yesterday as he was swearing in members of the congress. things might be more buttoned-down today because this is an official constitutional ceremony. you're right, suzanne, other business was taken care of earlier in morning. the house approved $9.7 billion in relief for victims of superstorm sandy. that's basically going to inject money into the flood insurance program so people who are filing claims for that insurance money are able to get the money. the rest of that money as we've been reporting all morning still sort of up in the air. they expect a vote around january 15th to approve the rest of it. that is, of course, if it makes
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it through the house. all of this started over again with the new congress. it's all starting in the house and over the to the senate. so a lot of business to take care of this afternoon. >> all right. jim acosta, we'll bring it live as soon as the formal session begins and they'll be walking those ballots and we'll see what the vice president does this time. last go-around yesterday he was hamming up for the kids as family members were participating. thanks, jim. we'll talk about jobs. there are new numbers out today. they show our economy ended the year by adding 155,000 jobs. unemployment stayed steady at 7.8%. danny is here. you were very optimistic last year about the jobs numbers and the economy turning around. when you saw these numbers today, and they were pretty much as expected online, what does it say about the future going into 2013? >> well, suzanne, it says that we are potentially missing a significant opportunity because the numbers remained where they
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were from over the last two months. yet, the economy over the last quarter grew appet 3.1%, significantly stronger than we had expected. there's something that's holding us back. we have the potential to grow very, very rapidly, but we're not fulfilling that potential. >> why not? what is behind that? >> you know, it is in my opinion, and i've studied the economy for about 30 years, we have the interference of the political process in the potential of the economy to grow. that means, for example, concreting businesses are not investing. last year this time they were investing at 10%. this year it's at minus 2%. consumer confidence over the last month has dropped by 10 percentage points. that's very significant. they're still optimistic about the present, but they're concerned about the future. so it says that these things that are going on have real significant consequences in real
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terms. >> talk about the people who have been unemployed fo a long time, and those who are -- have basically left the work force has that gotten better or worse? >> it's incrementally getting better. when we look at what we call the discouraged workers and those individuals dropping out of the labor force as well as when we look at the size of the labor market, the size is getting larger incrementally and people are not dropping out as they wer were, for example, a year or two years ago, so that's better. the on the other side the 155,000 jobs are not enough to add employment for those people who have been long-term unemployed. >> who is doing the hiring? >> the hiring is coming from a number of places. now, this is the bright spot. the bright spot in the numbers the last time was that a third of these 155,000 jobs were gener generated in construction and manufacturing. we haven't seen that in a while and that's a good thing. beyond that we had jobs created
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in the same sectors of health care and also in leisure and hospitality. the important point is there is this momentum that's being created particularly in construction. >> danny boston, thank you. we hope for a much better year this year this go-around. >> absolutely. we'll talk to you every single month to get those job numbers. thank you, danny. >> if you're trying to find a job, look no further. ali very well smee and christine roam mons tell you where to look in this week's "how to speak money." >> thank you. the economy is adding low wage, low skill jobs. the trick is to find the areas and categories that are growing quickly and paying well. these are the five fastest growing job categories. home care nursing, medical devices, clinical engineers, meeting or convention planners. look at the list. marketing consultants, marriage or family therapists. if you want to retrain, if you're looking to get into a career, these are areas that are growing quickly. they'll all grow by more than 40% between 2010 and 2020.
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they all pay more than $55,000 a year. you have to be very careful about making sure you're in a ladder job in health care in particular. we saw 45,000 health care jobs added. you need a ladder job with a next step with more training and education to make more money. >> health care is one where you start up and continue to get more retraining. retraining is important. i fully subscribe to that idea, but that might be something else you should look at and that's relocating. look at this map of america. americans are moving. where are they moving to? the green states had net inbound traffic in 2012. people move sbug those states. the states in rez are peopd peo out it. job creations is is where you move some place. north kor north dakota north dakois a big generates state now. washington, d.c. in that area government and a lot of technology. this is information that was
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collected by believe it or not atlas van lines. they keep track of who gets moved. wyoming, nebraska and new york topped the list of states that were losing people. >> interesting. so, look, you need to find the right area fob in in the growing economy. those things are changing fast, and you need to consider moving to a place where jobs are and that's the best combination. >> keep that in mind. don't wait for the economy to bring those jobs back. think about relocating or retraining. >> i think things will be better next year. >> i think so, too. >> suzanne, back to you. >> thank you. we're seeing vice president biden there in congress. this is election day, so the official count if you will, presenting the electoral votes to the joint session of congress. we saw just moments ago the two pages who were actually carrying boxes, creaates with the electol votes in hand. it's a formal presentation and it's part of the tradition every time in the election that the vice president presents it to members of congress.
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today officially election day. inauguration day coming up shortly. many wondering who president obama will add to the cabinet. he naominated senator john kerr to secretary of state. there are other vacant spots as well. presidents usually get who they want, but there is no guarantee. >> it used to be supreme court justices who inspired these sort of partisan free-for-alls. now it's bleeding down into a president's cabinet picks as well. this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money?
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this is the tallying of the electoral vote it is. it's a presentation and it's he officially election day where they certify that tally and present it, the president and vice president. the vice president leading the process there as they put it in the books. let's listen in. >> barack obama from the state of illinois received three votes for president, and joseph biden received three votes for vice president. >> mr. president, the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of florida seems to be regular in form and authentic, and it appears therefrom that barack obama of the state of illinois received 29 votes for president and joseph biden received 29 votes for vice president.
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>> mr. president, the certificate of the electoral vote of the state of georgia seems to be regular in form and authentic, and it appears the therefrom that mitt romney received 16 votes for president and paul ryan of the state of wisconsin received 16 votes for vice president. >> mr. president, certificate of electoral vote of the state of hawaii seems to be regular in form and authentic, and it appears therefrom that barack obama of the state of illinois received four votes for president and joseph biden of the state of delaware received four votes for vice president. >> you've been listening in here. at the end of the reads of all 50 states as well as the district of columbia, they compare the results of the four tally sheets and they'll sign those tally sheets and the vice president will then announce the total results and order them be to be inserted into the rep active journals.
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it's part of the tradition, and it is officially part of what is called election day. president obama is vacationing in haze hawaii but it's a working vacation. we'll bring in dan lothian. as we know, this is a working vacation. he has a lot to do, and one of the top jobs, obviously, filling those posts. is he close? >> reporter: he does appear to be close because sources tell me that the president could start making those cabinet announcements as early as next week when he's back in washington. of course, the personnel positions that we're watching, treasury, cia, and the defense department, which according to sources chuck hagel remains at the top of the list. cnn has learned chuck hagel, a top contender for the defense department post whose prospects appeared to be dimming amid criticism from pro-israel groups and gay organizations over past comments is still in the game.
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close friend, former senator max klee land tells cnn, quote, i understand his nomination is back on the table, and i believe very strongly he should be defense secretary. a strong endorsement that the president is not yet ready to make. recently on nbc's "meet the press" didn't count him out. >> my number one criteria is who does the best job in helping to secure america. >> anything disqualify him? >> not that i see. >> hagel supporters are concerned about the process of names being floated, exposed to harsh scrutiny before they're formally named. >> anyone with any record of involvement in controversial issues will always mobilize against the would be appointee, and the accusations are sometimes distortions. >> financial hagel michelle flour noi remains in the mix.
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when geithner plans to leave, one name floated american express ceo has no plans to leave the company a spokesman confirmed it to cnn. white house chief of staff jack lew is considered to be another choice for the job. at the cia john brennan, an acting cia director michael morell remain on a short list. history shows most presidents get the nominees they want, but in this political environment there's no guarantee. >> it used to be just be supreme court justices who inspired partisan free-for-alls. now it's bleeding down into a president's cabinet picks as well. >> some confirmations will be easier than others. if chuck hagel does get the nod, we expect that there will be continued resistance there. one of the picks for secretary of state, senator john kerry, his confirmation expected to be a smooth one. suzanne. >> i understand the president and white house reacting it to a december jobs report that came
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out today. we had 155,000 jobs added here, unemployment rate was unchanged however. do is the white house pleased with those numbers? >> reporter: to a point. i mean, the release from the white house similar to what we've seen over the last year when these job numbers come out is that they believe that the economy is moving in the right direction, that it is an indication that it's recovering from the worst economic downturn. there still is a lot of work to be done, and that the president will not be satisfied until every american who wants to work does have a job. so that's essentially the reaction from the white house, but they also put out that caution which they also do every time these numbers come out that oftentimes they are adjusted either up or down and that you shouldn't read too many into one month's numbers. >> dan, do we know when the president is is coming back to washington? >> reporter: well, it will be
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sometime this weekend. it hasn't been officially announced. the first daughters have to be back in school on monday, so they have to be back in town in time for that. >> all right. thanks. the new congress is the most diverse in american history he. it was sworn in with 20 women in the senate. that is a record number, and they all sat down with abc's diane sawyer and began looking ahead to the first female president. >> every man wakes up in the morning and looks in the mirror and says i could be president. i think every woman looks in the mirror and says, what can i get done for my country today. >> not one looks in the mirror and says i could be president? >> doubtful. >> you may think it from time to time. >> senator kelly ayotte tells a story of her 8-year-old daughter. >> she said to me, mom, i don't want you to run for president. i looked at her and said, kate, i'm not running for president. why do you ask me that? mom, because i want to be the first woman president.
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>> she better call hillary. >> you can break the news to her that we're not waiting? >> that's great. the senate also has it's first openly gay member, tammy baldwin from wisconsin. the house passes a $9 billion aid package for superstorm sandy victims with more relief that is expected next week. when those communities hit some hard, when do they see the money and what does it really cover? we'll ask fema up next. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow! ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium-rich tums starts working so fast you'll forget you had heartburn. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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there's outrage earlier this week when the house failed to vote on a $60 billion plan, a package for victims of
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superstorm sandy. members reversed course today and approved at least some money, and the senate is expected to do the same. even without these votes, storm victims already have received significant federal help. there's still about 4 dol$4 bil left to spend. according to fema new york states has received $1.15 boil onin federal aid. it pays for debris cleanup, but most of the money is cash payments that go to homeowners and renters. this is just in new york. now, 260,000 people whose homes were damaged have registered for aid. about 109,000 have been approved. most of the rest are in the pipeline. the maximum grant is $32,000. the average grant is about $10,000. i'm joined by mike burn. he's fema's joint man in new york. first of all, explain a little bit about how long it's going to take for new york residents who
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are waiting now for payments. how long is that before they actually receive it? about half of them who are still in the pipeline. >> well, of the numbers you showed, that's money that's actually in the hands of new york survivorsurvivors. that's another number that it didn't list. that's close to a billion dollars already, about 956 million. a lot of money is in the hands of survivors. >> for those who have not received the aid, what is the process? how long does it take for them to actually get that money up front? >> you know, it's pretty quick at this point in time. early on in the disaster with the shear volume of applications we were seeing, it took a while, but we have 300 new appear indications a day still impressive at this last date. we get an inspector out to the problem and damaged dwells and in three or four days. usually within a week you have money put into your bank
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account. >> you're a retired firefighter and native new yorkers. you played a significant role in 9/11 regarding fema and the relief effort there. what do new yorkers really need? what are you seeing? zoo >> you know, new yorkers are some of the most resilient people hit by an event like this. there's things to learn. when i was in louisiana earlier this year, they have got hit by four or five storms in the last five years. they're really practiced at this, and they know the nuances and rules and regulations. new yorkers are learning them, but we're there to help them and there to be there to talk them through it. what they need to do is get the assistance from us and start to repair their homes. if they need more assistance, more time to rent a piece of property while they're doing repairs and keep talking to us, stop by one of our disaster recovery centers and we'll continue to help them. >> mike, it is a process here. you have to -- the insurance company is involved. you have to prove there is damage done. you have to determine what is
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covered and not covered and apply for funds. yesterday i had a chance to talk to mitch landrieu, and seven years later they're still trying to get federal money into their city. here's what he told me. >> it's not as though they write you a check for $61 billion. you have to every day prove you need and show where you spent it and make sure they see what you spent it on. it's a very cumbersome bureaucratic process that we hope gets streamlined over time. >> so, mike, do you think there's a process that's in place that is streamlining some of that paperwork? it is a frustrating process for a lot of people still in new orleans, and clearly they deal with that in new york as well. >> yeah. for the individual homeowners applying, i think its a good bit more simplified than that. mayor landrieu is talking about the larger public assistance programs. there are things to do. i have to be honest about it. we're stewards of our tack
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collars a tax dollars and we have to do the right thing with it. we have the applicants like the major medical institutions and public facilities, and we find -- we try to get the yes really fast, and that's going to be my responsibility to get that done. i'm going to work hard at it. >> mike, let's talk about the money here. you've got money for the long-term repairs. that's in the hands of congress, but fema right now has about $4 billion in emergency reserve. how long do you expect that to last? >> you know, i'm the operating on the ground. i have the money to be able to take care of the projects in front of us we're able to fund at this point in time. you know, my boss, the administrator, has said that we're good through the spring. certainly, you know, we're -- we're going to focus on making sure that the applicants get what they need. >> mike, before we let you go, any piece of advice to people in new york whose homes are damaged and their lives are devastated?
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what do they need to do to get the help they need right way? >> i would say stay in touch with us. if you're coming up on the recertification for your rental assistance and can't get back in your home, please contact us. if you you need additional help, we can be a conduit on to a voluntary agency to help you out and get the work done. i've heard lots and lots of gaet stories of community that is bonded together to help where our aid doesn't, you know, fill the full package. >> all right. mike burn, thank you very much. really appreciate it. from katrina to sandy, mass i feel storms seem to be happening more often. are we actually ready for the next superstorm? watch our special report, "the coming storms" this sunday night at 8:00 eastern. did you know that oliver stone made a documentary about hugo chavez? he's weighing in on the venezuelan president and what his health situation is. >> he represents hope and change, the things that obama stood for in our country in 2008. sfrz
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. hugo chavez is fighting a severe respiratory infection after having cancer surgery in cuba. the president has been a polarizing figure to say the least since he took office in 1999. one of his key defenders is ol
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ster stone. he made a controversial documentary in 2010 that portrayed chavez in such a positive light that time call it had a love story. here's some scenes. >> i just spoke with stone in the last hour and asked him what he thinks it will mean to venezuela if president chavez is unable to take the oath of
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office. >> the standard of living went up. not all. there's a very vocal minority against him, but they never won the elections. in fact, i think chavez won 13 of 14 elections. you know, i think he's going to be mourned as a national figure who changed venezuela forever. you have no idea how bad it was before him. the per capita dropped for 40 years straight. he represents hope and change. >> i also talked to him about his latest showtime documentary series called "the untold history of the united states" and it aims to give viewers a peek into lessons they didn't learn in school. the project has received its share of criticism from the likes of the "new york times." i asked him why he decided to spend the last five years working on this project. >> one has to wake up in life. i feel like i grew up very
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privileged in new york in a republican family, conservative. i went to vietnam, as you know, and i felt like my life in the last 30 years has become less and less hypnotized and i wasn't sleep-walking. the more i learned, the more i wanted to share with my audience in feature films. as i went on and made more histories on or let's say historical dramas really, i decided, look, before i go i got to get something down that i feel is the what happened in my lifetime from 1946 on, which is when -- a year after the aatomic bomb was dropped. in fact, my life begins with the atomic bomb in a sense, because that is the founding myth of this national security state we live in. >> you can catch a ten-part documentary series "the untold history of the united states" on hoe showtime. the fiscal cliff might be history but the downgrade could be in our future. what it means potentially for the economy as well. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health
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it is officially election day. just moments ago the electoral college re-elected president barack obama to the president of the united states. the results were announced just a little while ago. this is the joint session of congress. let's listen in. >> the president of the united
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states as delivered to the president of the senate is as follows. the whole number of the electorates appointed to vote is 538 of which a majority is 270. barack obama received for president of the united states 332 votes, mitt romney the state of massachusetts has received 206 votes. the state of the vote for vice president of the united states is delivered to the president of the senate is as follows. the whoet number electorates is 538, and the majority of which is 270. joseph biden of the state of delaware has received for vice president of the united states 332 votes, paul ryan of the state of wisconsin has received 206 votes. this announcement of the state of the vote by the president of the senate shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons elected president and vice president of the united states. each for the term beginning on the 20th day of january, 2013,
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and shall be entered together with a list of votes in the journal of the senate and the house of representatives. >> it is official. the president has been re-elected, and, of course, the inauguration will take place january 21st. the public ceremony, and a private ceremony taking place the day before. we'll be there for the inauguration. that is, again, january 20th and the 21st. now that the country has temporarily avoided the fiscal cliff, what is next? we expect, of course, a vigorous debate over the debt ceiling. by late february and early march they have to decide whether or not to raise the ceiling or risk economic chaos. the automatic spending cuts put off this week will hit march 1st. the deal only delayed them, so it didn't really solve the problem. funding for the government runs out on march 27th unless a new revenue bill is passed. with all that is coming up,
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we want to bring in alison kosik in the new york stock exchange to talk about how people are reacting to the news. we know there's a higher payroll tax everybody got hit with here, but there were some breaks for a lot of families. so how does it balance out? >> here's some of the positive that came out of all that political posturing. the fiscal cliff deal did include some savings for families and in some cases it could amount it to thousands of dollars. these are mostly for low income families. the first one out of this is it preserved the child tax credit. that's about $1,000 credit per chi child. this is for people going to college. this gives a $2500 credit. this deal keeps in place the earned income tax credit, and this one varies and it's based on how much you make. but it is said to have kept millions of people out of poverty. now, those three credits were extended for five years, and there's still one more. that's the child examine
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dependent care tax credit. it was made permanent. a family can deduct up to $6,000 of child care expenses. the potential for savings here is just huge. of course, you have to remember the savings that you have are slightly offset by the increase in the payroll tax that you just mentioned, suzanne. >> and alison, we know the debt ceiling debate will happen just weeks away here. there's a real possibility that, you know, the government and that the country could be do downgraded, the credit rating down the road here. what are the potential consequences if that happens? >> we don't know if we'll be downgrades, but if we are it's a consequence. in theory a downgrade means that the government is less cred creditworthy. that didn't happen when stands and poor's downgraded the rating. we don't know if that will happen in the this case. you may see a bigger impact on
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the stock market, because when the u.s. was downgraded last year, the dow fell 600 points in one day, and then you look at this. at this point moody's and fitch still have the u.s. rating at aaa, which is as high as it goes, but all three agencies have negative outlooks at this point. they warn of a possible downgrade if lawmakers can't peacefully negotiate the next debt ceiling debate, suzanne. >> appreciate it. another tax credit that was buried in the fiscal cliff deal is for companies developing wind energy projects. well, could this help pick up the slowing green energy market? we're going to ask former green jobs adviser to president obama, van jones. ♪
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we've been picking aapart the fiscal cliff deal so you know what's in it. one of the big winners in this deal is the renewable energy industry. it's actually got a one-year tax credit extension. we're going to explain what all this is about is with van jones, he's the former green jobs adviser to president obama. van, good to see you here. one of the things you've been pushing and highlighting here is this wind power industry. >> yeah up. >> how does it benefit from this fiscal cliff deal? >> well, first of all, it's just good to talk about some good news. i mean, i'm here in washington, d.c. people are depressed. it's like coming to a funeral. nothing is good in america. >> really? it's that bad? >> it's bad. listen, we did do some good things, and one of them is we got a bipartisan deal to keep our wind industry alive. there are 70,000 americans that woke up and went to work in the
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wind industry and they get to keep going on work. >> talk about the jobs. what does this mean exactly? what kinds of jobs are these, and how long do they last? this is an extension that's kind of short, yeah? >> you know, we really shouldn't be doing it year to year. we should do if in five-year chunks, but at least we move forward. china has already just cannibalized our solar industry because we didn't defend it, but we stepped up and defended the wind industry. what that means is people when you think about a wind turbine, you think it's like a windmill. no it's not. 8,000 finely machine parts. that's a car. you can put auto workers back to work to build wind turbine. as much steel as 20 cars if you put steel workers back to work. they're good, union wage jobs in concentrated places like ohio. 70,000 wind workers and about 80,000 coal miners in america. you have parity between the wind he workers and coal workers, but we almost lost all those jobs.
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those jobs are still here. people should stop being depressed like nothing good happened. >> you didn't get everything you wanted, van. what are some of the things you're still looking for? >> obviously, when you look at the situation we're in right now, i think we have to groet out of this economy. we can't cut our way out and tax our way out. you have to grow your way out. the wind industry is growing, can grow more. we need more infrastructure investment and need to be willing to spend money on smart stuff. we didn't do enough of that. we act like we can either destroy medicare or tax rich people. let's invest in critical industries like with wind and keep moving guard. >> besides wind, are there other areas that we can deal with when it comes to the climate and the environment that will help us create jobs and althout the time not hurt businesses very concerned as you know when they talk about pollution and the kinds of wastes that they have
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and job-cutting as he opposed to job creating. >> we need to start to transition away from dirty coal to cleaner sources, but we have not done a good enough job of making sure that the coal miners who are working right now who are america's heroes and risk their lives every day to keep the lights on for me and you to make sure they have a good path way to new jobs and we protect them and respect them. both sides have to come together. we need a shared pathway forward this new congressmen coming in have good ideas. they're not depressed. let them do some leading now. give them the microphone and let them do leading. the folks up here on this fiscal cliff battle, people are beat down. you need to take them forward now. >> hopefully everyone is not beat down, and we'll get real work done out of washington. thank you, van. he helped a same sex couple conceive a child, but three years later he's asked to do more. why kansas is demanding child support.
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an unusual case involving sperm donors. william donated sperm to a lesbian couple. now the state is telling him he has to pay child support because he didn't donate through a doctor. >> i donated genetic material
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and that was it for me. i'm not being held to be a parent. m no raising the child. asn't expected to be paying for child support. >> so explain this for us why it is that the state of kansas is now weighing in on this. >> the state of kansas says he is legally the father and he should pay child support. their thinking is he is the dad. now, if he had gone through a doctor and there was documentation that he was the sperm donor that would be a different story. states want people to go through doctors to be screened and also they want to make sure that you really are a donor. he says he is a donor. for all we know he might have been this woman's lover. >> if all three parties agree
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could they recognize a written agreement, some sort of legal documentation or does it have to be done through the medical community? >> so the biological mom, her ex girlfriend with whom she is co parenting and william marotta say he is donating. he is not really the father. but that is the law. the law is unless you go through a doctor you are the father. i suppose they could try to take this to court and show them documents because there were various legal documents signed. that could take years for that to happen. if you didn't go through a doctor you are the dad. >> the potential fallout i would imagine people would think twice before donating sperm. >> we called a reproductive rights lawyer and said how often does this kind of thing happen that someone hands over their sperm without going to a doctor.
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she said you would be surprised. the reason to a large extent is money. in order to go through a doctor it is $3,000 approximately each time and it often doesn't work the first time so you are often spending $16,000 whereas if you do a little do it yourself at home you are not paying anything. you're working outside the law in a way. and these are the repercussions. >> does he have recourse? >> he is the biological father. i suppose his lawyer could do what you were saying which is go to the court and say they signed the documents. the biological mom is the father but he is not the parent. he should have no obligations. i don't want his money. the kansas law is clear on this. >> are either of the women asking for the child support? >> no. they are in full support of
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william maro tta. >> states say before we cough up state money to support a child mom and dad have to support the kid. in this case they say he is the dad. >> fascinating. >> so a couple of reasons why do it yourself, here is one, they might come after you years later for money. also when you just take sperm from somebody you don't know about sexually transmitted diseases. there is a reason to go through the doctor. >> thank you very much. appreciate it as always. historic drought, excessive heat causing a traffic jam in the mississippi river. how this could force people out of work. i plugged in snapshot, and 30 days later, i was saving big on car insurance. with snapshot, i knew what i could save before i switched to progressive. the better i drive, the more i save. i wish our company had something this cool.
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water levels along parts of the mississippi river are near historic lows and it is affecting the boat traffic as well as commerce. looking at the problem as well as possible solutions. >> we are by that empty fleet. >> reporter: larry is pointing to one of the new danger spots along the mississippi river, a buoy marks an area where a barge recently hit a rock. the river here is so low cargo loads have been cut so barges don't hit the bottom. >> we are under 50% capacity in just the low-water conditions.
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>> reporter: you get a sense of how low the mississippi river is here in st. louis just underneath the arch. decades ago this gauge was installed which shows the depth of the river. normally all of this area would be completeply under water. the gauge extends to the sign that says negative 3.4 feet and falling. that is where we are now. they expect the river to continue to fall. >> we think it could get down to minus 5 foot and that is a foot and a half below where it is at now. >> reporter: in thieves, illinois is where the levels are the most dangerous for navigation. a six mile stretch has been closed during the day while crews clear rocks from the channel. water from a lake in illinois is being drained into the mississippi. that should add about an inch to the river. there is also a push for water from the